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09-10 Iunie 2022 International Business Forum “Wine trail development: prospects for cross-border cooperation between Romania and Moldova” Atlantida, Comrat

The aim of the activity is to popularize wine culture and to get visible: activities, methodologies, improvements and achieved results.

During the event was organized presentation of the brochure, studies and web-site of the cluster: the result of the activity became the emphasizing the achievements and positive impacts of cross-border wine trail development, the determination follow up activities, development a process of sustainable cluster functioning, attracting awareness of population related to the Cross-border wine touristic route between Moldova and Romania and web site. There were finalized the operational activities of the project, success stories explored and achieved results shown, as well as, consolidating professionals in the field of tourism and winemaking, whose active participation in economic and scientific processes can speed up business processes, improve the functioning of programs to support the development of the cross-border economy of the two countries, exchange comprehensive approaches, practitioners and discuss the problems of wine touristic routes in Moldova and Romania.

STABILITY Center organized a two-day Business Forum on June 09-10, 2022 with the participation of 60 participants from Moldova and Romania: representatives of NGOs, business, authorities, winemaking, culture, museums, universities, travel agencies, etc. Business forum became a perfect platform for different stakeholders of the project to get in contact and overview the rationalization of production for better ecology safe, promote initiatives to lawmaking process in order to input wine touristic sites as historical heritage that can be inserted in governmental agenda and finally it can be preserved. This was the final meeting of all beneficiaries of the project with presentation of achievements and positive impacts of wine tourism cluster, determined follow up activities. Decision of future implementation plans at Business Forum in Comrat became a result of the event. Brochure and study programs have been disseminated with information materials package.

The LB was responsible for this activity. Organizer: Center for Regional Development STABILITY, Comrat, Chkalova 2/2, tel. 0(794)49856; e-mail: 

Contact person: Vitali Burlaca – project manager

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Proiect ID 2SOFT2.1 153

Pagina programului:

“Această publicaţie a fost produsă cu sprijinul Uniunii Europene. Conţinutul acestei publicaţii intră în responsabilitatea Centrul de Dezvoltare SMART și Centrul Regional pentru Dezvoltare „STABILITY” şi nu reflectă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene sau a structurilor de management ale Programului Operaţional Comun România–Republica Moldova 2014–2020.”

“Uniunea Europeană este compusă din 27 de state membre, care au decis să iși unească treptat abilitațile, resursele și destinele. Împreună, pe parcursul unei perioade de extindere de 50 ani, aceste state au edificat o zonă de stabilitate, democrație și dezvoltare durabilă, păstrând în același timp diversitatea culturală, toleranța și libertățile individuale. Uniunea Europeană și-a asumat angajamentul de a-și impărtăși realizările și valorile sale cu țările și națiunile dincolo de frontierele sale.”

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Project ID 2SOFT2.1 153

Program website:

“This  publication/material  has  been  produced  with  the  assistance  of  the  European  Union.  The  contents  of  this  publication  are  the  sole  responsibility  of Smart Development Center & Regional Development Center “STABILITY” and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or of the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Moldova 2014-2020 management structures.”


“The European Union is made up of 27 Member States who have decided to gradually link together their knowhow, resources and destinies. Together, during a period of enlargement of 50 years, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms. The European Union is committed to sharing its achievements and its values with countries and peoples beyond its borders”.

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