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Memorandum of cooperation between potential participants of the cluster within the 2soft / 2.1 / 153 Project “RO MD Cross Border Wine Tourism Cluster Development” for the active beneficiaries in the field of wine tourism.



In the context of the need to improve wine tourism, stimulating the development of tourist spots and cultural areas;

  • Taking into account the role and traditional place of civil society in decision-making and the development of European values in the cross-border region;
  • In the context of the provisions of the Concept on Cooperation between the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova and civil society and the need to establish effective joint activities between local authorities and civil society representatives in implementing national social policies to reduce poverty, develop the environment and promote social inclusion;
  • This document was developed with the support of the RO MD Development of the Cross-Border Wine Tourism Cluster project for active beneficiaries in the field of tourism, viticulture, winemaking, created based on the STABILITY Center. The document is the basis for cooperation and dialogue between the parties.

The memorandum sets out the purpose, objectives, principles and mechanisms of cooperation between the participants in the cluster for the beneficiaries active in the field of tourism, viticulture and winemaking.

Objectives and tasks

The main purpose of the memorandum is to establish a sustainable partnership between cluster participants in order to strengthen transnational opportunities in the development and implementation of programs and social services to improve the living standards of the population.

In order to achieve the above-mentioned purpose, the undersigned set out the following tasks:

  • Developing cross-border partnerships between authorities, NGOs and the private sector, as well as establishing a multisectoral dialogue to improve the provision of services in the field of tourism, viticulture, winemaking;
  • Stimulating the development of the international potential of government authorities, civil society and the business community to introduce new tourist routes;
  • Improving the quality of services and developing the wine tourism market in Moldova and Romania;
  • Public participation in identifying common and regional agricultural problems and ways to solve them, as well as in monitoring and evaluating the results obtained;
  • Developing and promoting a cluster approach and a multi-level chain of interstate relations in the field of wine tourism.


In the process of implementing the provisions of this Memorandum, potential cluster participants should be guided by the following principles:

  • The principle of participation – the comprehensive participation of stakeholders in the field of wine tourism. This, in turn, ensures the quality and sustainability of the activities initiated.
  • The principle of openness – the undersigned must be open in the process of cooperation, and the mechanism of interaction must be clear and accessible. Information of public interest should be disseminated to all interested parties by all possible and accessible means of communication. Forms and methods of communication will be designed to ensure maximum integrity, openness and impartiality.
  • The principle of efficiency – in order to maximize the effectiveness of the process, stakeholders should be actively involved and contribute to the process of developing the potential of wine tourism by identifying the priorities and needs of the beneficiaries of advice.
  • The principle of consistency – the creation of a unified system for monitoring and evaluating the cooperation process, as well as the creation of a feedback mechanism between the parties involved in the dialogue.

Cooperation mechanisms:

A member of the cluster for active beneficiaries in the field of wine tourism is committed to:

  • Provides information support (HD photos and videos);
  • Provides general and specialist advice on the following topics:
  • Methodology, mechanisms, techniques and tools needed to determine wine routes, development of a wine tourism cluster;
  • Recommendations for the development and editing of promotional materials.
  • Facilitating community mobilization for organizing social events and clustering activities;
  • Providing methodological support to partners, authorities, enterprises in developing local strategies for wine tourism and partnership areas;
  • Promoting joint monitoring and assessment of environmental issues;
  • Promoting wine tourism cluster ideas through the use of IT and publications;
  • Providing information for the media;
  • Compliance with national legislation and donor rules in the documentation and financial and economic activities of the project organization;
  • Follow the detailed action plan and take active action in case of deviations from the schedule for the successful implementation of the project;
  • Provide full support and participation in the conduct of events of general interest in accordance with this Memorandum at local and interregional level;
  • Providing information for publications and the project website;
  • Facilitating the establishment of contacts with all actors in order to stimulate the development of the project potential in the field of wine tourism;
  • Provide the cluster with clear information about the following:
  • The aims and objectives of the consultations, a description of the issues discussed;
  • Delegation of a representative who will attend the cluster committee meetings on wine routes;

Final tasks:

  • This memorandum is valid from the moment of signing, with the possibility of making changes and with subsequent renewal;
  • The activities and correspondence within this project are conducted in English;
  • All provisions of this memorandum may be revised and amended by the parties and, as appropriate, by mutual agreement.

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Proiect ID 2SOFT2.1 153

Pagina programului:

“Această publicaţie a fost produsă cu sprijinul Uniunii Europene. Conţinutul acestei publicaţii intră în responsabilitatea Centrul de Dezvoltare SMART și Centrul Regional pentru Dezvoltare „STABILITY” şi nu reflectă în mod necesar poziţia oficială a Uniunii Europene sau a structurilor de management ale Programului Operaţional Comun România–Republica Moldova 2014–2020.”

“Uniunea Europeană este compusă din 27 de state membre, care au decis să iși unească treptat abilitațile, resursele și destinele. Împreună, pe parcursul unei perioade de extindere de 50 ani, aceste state au edificat o zonă de stabilitate, democrație și dezvoltare durabilă, păstrând în același timp diversitatea culturală, toleranța și libertățile individuale. Uniunea Europeană și-a asumat angajamentul de a-și impărtăși realizările și valorile sale cu țările și națiunile dincolo de frontierele sale.”

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Project ID 2SOFT2.1 153

Program website:

“This  publication/material  has  been  produced  with  the  assistance  of  the  European  Union.  The  contents  of  this  publication  are  the  sole  responsibility  of Smart Development Center & Regional Development Center “STABILITY” and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union or of the Joint Operational Programme Romania-Moldova 2014-2020 management structures.”


“The European Union is made up of 27 Member States who have decided to gradually link together their knowhow, resources and destinies. Together, during a period of enlargement of 50 years, they have built a zone of stability, democracy and sustainable development whilst maintaining cultural diversity, tolerance and individual freedoms. The European Union is committed to sharing its achievements and its values with countries and peoples beyond its borders”.

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